Monday, 3 February 2014

To take private lessons or not to

In my opinion private lessons will never be harmful. In any case you learn new things and you improve your knowledge. If you’re not that good at any subject or you need to improve it the best way is to take private lessons. But taking private lessons is not free and is not that cheap especially when you’re taking private lessons for university. So what should we do? Is everyone ready to pay that much money for just a single private lesson. Are our parents ready to spend all their payment for private lesson? 
Well, I think there is a better way to improve you’re knowledge… You can always study yourself. It’s cheap, even free, you can take lessons anytime and anywhere you want and you can study however you want. And sometimes it’s even fun, not as serious as usual private lessons. Let’s be honest, none of us likes private lessons, and pupil who take private lessons do it because their parents make them to, or they are not good enough for exams, but no one likes private lessons, it’s boring. In my opinion studying yourself is the best way.

Everyone can study himself, no matter how old he is, what education he had before, what ability he has, the main thing is that he should be capable, motivated and study hard.

You can study yourself by reading books, watching films, reading newspapers, watching videos, doing tests and so on.
I do study myself, I promise IT’S FUN.

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