Thursday, 15 January 2015

ESSAY TOPIC 7: How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

Movies and television always have a strong impact on people’s behavior. The most  of the things that people learn and understand has come from TV or movies. People spend their spare time watching some films, series, news, etc. on their TV or on computer. So this means that it really influences our behavior. In my opinion it can influence really beneficially, but at the same time not that much.
I think it could be really difficult to live without television and movies. Our lives would become really boring and not interesting. We read books, we have some imagination about the book, but we always want to see the things that we read, in an action. We want to just watch them. Isn’t it great to watch your imagination in reality? SO we have that chance by watching the movie of the book, and it can influence on us in a really good way.
Then, you can learn some new and interesting things from movies, see how people overcome their hardships, and maybe it would become alot easier for you to overcome it if you experienced the same things as they did in the movies. I watch lots of movies and television programs and I always learn lots of new useful things.  For example, my favorite movie so far - “The Hunger Games”. That movie taught me lots of things, I learned that winning is not the most important thing in competitions or in life, but the road that leads you to win and the supporters that you have next to  you is more important. And if it’s a competition you shouldn’t always think about only yourself. Winning would cost nothing if you do it by letting others down. It's not about being the best, it's not about winning, but how you do that. So I think, that movie had a really strong impact on my behavior.
On the other hand, watching some movies may be really disadvantageous for some people, especially kids. They watch movies or television programs where one person kills the other one, or how people transform into machines or robots. Then they try to do the same things and end up injuring themselves. Two years ago I watched my cousin, who was 5 years old at that time, playing a game with his friend. Then they started to throw rocks at  each other, I got really scared, because they could hurt each other. When I asked them why they play such a game and why they throw rocks at each other they answered that the rocks actually transform into butterflies when you throw it at your friend it it's not hurting them, at least that's what they saw in the movie that they watched. This is how bad influence movies and TVs have on children's behavior.
To sum up, I think movies and television influence on people's behavior in various ways. Of course we learn and understand new things, we even can start to think in a different and better way, we can even change our views on different things by just watching a really good movie, but at the same time movies and television have a strong but wrong impact on children's behavior, they start doing all the things that they've watched in movies and they end up hurting themselves. 

(written by Mariam Mirzoyan) 

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