The yearbook is tradition of high school life in the United States. The book
contains the name, picture, and sigture of each student in your final year, so
you can remember who you went to school with. 15 year old ew Jersey school gril
atherine Cook and her brother David, 16, wanted more that this. They tgought :
"We don't really know our classmates fro just a picture, so why not
have a yearbook online? You could learn
about people's musical tastes, the ovies they like, and so on."
Catherine thought of tge name ( (now, the slogon and the logo
with two smiley faces. To advertise the site, Catherine and David wore T-shirts
with the site logo on it to school and soon houndreds of their schoolmates had
registered. She spent many evenings talking
on the phone to programmers in
India, and collecting ideas from her schoolmates. The her older brother geoff
came up with the money to start up the website.
MyYearbook users can join in the fun by sending instantmessages and
'collecting' friends. They can bond with each other by watching the same clips
from films and TV programmes, and by sharing usic, photos, homework and study
guides . Some teens feel that they don't fin in at school, but can make friends
more easily online. CHatting online helps some shy people not to feel left out.
On the site, members can also earn 'Lunch Money', a virtual currency, by
completing activites on the site, or they can but it with real cash. They can
then spend their Lunch MOney on virtual gifts, or donate it to charties in the
myYearbook 'causes' programme. Lunch Money donations have saved 0.3 km2 of rainforest, cleaned up 1 million kg
of Co2, sent 22.000 books to Africa, and bought 20.000 kg of rice
for people without enough food.
Running the website did not stop Catherine and david from completing their
schoolwork successfully, and going on to university, where they still anaged to
put in 50 hours a week developing the site.
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