Friday, 18 January 2013

English Club of Culture and Literature (My translation for DigiTec)

I remember

I remember that sad evening of the winter embracing my soul. The chilly wind was inviting me to dance, I don’t know how he could guess I would, but he did know. The scenery was ready and audience had disappeared behind the sun rays. Taking advantage of the empty streets I accepted it’s the tempting proposal of the wind. Being haunted by the sounds of the melody I mechanically directed my steps in the direction of the source where the melody was conceived. There another staged dance appeared before my eyes. Sitting on one of the empty benches I became the only spectator. His bare feet seemed to be molded with the icy stage and his ragged clothes hardly covered his naked body and his gaze was fixed on the only sparkling star in the sky. A few ice-cold tears were glittering on his cheek cracked by the cold. And just it was there, in that tear that I could find a story about him and me, then following his gaze I fixed my eyes on the same store. I realized then that you’re with me and mine forever…

Translated from >>> here <<< 

Թարգմանված է >>> այստեղից <<<